Preparing for Ramadan and Insights from the Month of Sha’ban 

In the eagerness for the fervent worship and anticipation that Ramadan brings, the significance of Shaban often fades into the background. But this month is very special. Sha’ban holds profound virtue, mirroring the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Shaban carries historical weight, marking the legislation of fasting during Ramadan and the pivotal shift of the qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca.

But its importance extends beyond history, Shaban calls for fasting and a deepened connection with the Qur’an, infusing it with spiritual richness. Amidst life’s hustle, Ramadan arrives as a divine gift, offering the endurance of fasting, the tranquility of night prayers, the cleansing of repentance, the solace of supplication, and the serenity of remembrance. To ensure our Ramadan journey is deeply fulfilling, we must begin preparing now, nurturing ourselves both spiritually and physically. By investing in Shaban’s preparations, we enhance our readiness to embrace the spiritual treasures of fasting and late-night prayers, guided by Allah’s grace. 

The following are some of how we can prepare for this momentous month: 

The 15th of Shaban: Embracing Divine Forgiveness 

Many respected scholars have written about the significance of commemorating the 15th of Shaban, emphasizing the importance of engaging in worship throughout the night. However, there are no specific practices mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that are uniquely associated with this night.  

The Prophet ﷺ said that Shaban is the month in which deeds are presented to Allah and the 15th is the particular night that Allah looks at those deeds and forgives all of them. Taking advantage of this night will allow us to enter Ramadan with amnesty, free from the burden of our sins with only the longing for our Creator remaining. 

Also Read : Warming Up Jelang Ramadhan (Indonesian)

Begin fasting, particularly if you have missed fasts to make up for

The main virtue of Shaban is that it’s a month of fasting. Often, many of us overlook fasting during this month because we’re eagerly awaiting Ramadan. ʿĀ’ishah said: “I did not see him ﷺ fast in any month as much as he fasted in Shaʿbān.” (HR: Muslim). 

ʿĀishah also said in an authentic narration, “The most beloved of months or the month in which Allah’s Messenger ﷺ loved to fast more than anything else was Shaban. Indeed, he used to join it to Ramadan”; i.e., he would not take a break from fasting between Shaban and Ramadan. 

Usāmah b. Zayd said to the Messenger of Allah “O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any month as much as you fast in Shaʿbān.” He ﷺ said, “That is a month which people do not pay much attention to, between Rajab and Ramaḍān. It is a month in which the actions are taken up to the Lord of the worlds, and I like that my deeds are taken up whilst I am fasting.” (Nasā’ī). 

Just as performing sunnah prayers before the obligatory prayers awakens the heart, helps you enter the obligatory prayers with deeper devotion, and makes up for any shortcomings in them, fasting before Ramadan prepares you both physically and spiritually for the holy month. Getting into the habit of fasting during Sha’ban makes fasting in Ramadan greater enthusiastic. Likewise, experiencing the blessings of fasting in Sha’ban will inspire you to approach Ramadan with increased enthusiasm. If you have any missed fasts from the previous Ramadan, utilize this month to fulfil them. 

Also Read : 5 Tips Mengelola Keuangan di Bulan Ramadhan

Enhance Your Qur’an Recitation

While we all aim to read more Qur’an during Ramadan, Shaban is the period when reciters ready themselves for the extensive recitation in Ramadan. Some devout predecessors referred to Shaban as the month of reciters due to the significant amount of Qur’an reading practised during this time. 

Set a practical but slightly challenging goal for your Qur’an reading this month to help you ease into Ramadan smoothly. You might aim to read for an extra 5 minutes or even an additional hour. Whether you add more time or more pages, just try to do more than your usual routine. 

Salama b. Kuhayl al-Kūfī (d. 121/739), one of the early generation of believers, known as ‘the Followers’ (tābiʿīn), narrates that when the month of Shaban approached, his people freed their time to recite the Qur’an. He said, “The month of Shaban [is] the month of reciters.” Another narration states that “When Shaban would begin, Amr ibn Qais would close his store, and devote himself to the recitation of the Qur’an.” 

In wrapping up, Sha’ban is like a vital step before reaching our destination of Ramadan. It’s a time for us to get ready, both inside and out, for the special month ahead. Even though Sha’ban might not get as much attention, it’s actually pretty important. It reminds us of important events and practices from the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So, as we fast, read more Qur’an, and ask for forgiveness on the 15th night, let’s take these lessons to heart. Let’s gear up for Ramadan with excitement and dedication, knowing that our efforts in Sha’ban will make our Ramadan even more meaningful, guided by the grace of Allah. 


  1. Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, no. 1969; Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, no. 1156. 
  1. Sunan Abū Dāwūd, no. 2431; Sunan al-Nasā’ī, no. 2350. The authentication of this hadith is deemed rigorously authentic (ṣaḥīḥ) by numerous scholars of hadith, among them al-Ḥākim who said that it is authentic according to the criteria of both al-Bukhārī and Muslim. See: al-Mustadrak ʻalā al-Ṣaḥīḥayn, no. 1605. 
  1. Sunan al-Nasā’ī, no. 2357; Musnad al-Imām Aḥmad, no. 21753; graded acceptable (ḥasan) by al-Albānī and al-Arnāʾūṭ. 
  1. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. (n.d.). Virtues of Shaban: How to Prepare for Ramadan Spiritually. Retrieved from 
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