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Fulfilling Qurban While in Debt: Is It Possible? 

Qurban is one of the acts of worship in Islam that has many pearls of wisdom and benefits. In qurban, we provide the pleasure of eating meat to those who rarely experience it and follow the example of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). However, there are some Muslims who have the intention to qurban but take on debt, either personally or through Islamic financial institutions, to fulfill their qurban. What is the ruling if someone goes into debt to be able to qurban? Here are the views of some prominent scholars on this matter: 

Evidence of Qurban in Islam: 

One of the main evidences for qurban in Islam is the Quranic verse stating that qurban is part of Allah ‘s command to His people. Allah says in Surah Al-Hajj, verse 37: 

“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good.”  

This verse in the Quran instructs Muslims to ritually sacrifice animals as an act of obedience and qurban to Allah .

The Virtues of Qurban in Islam: 

  1. Fostering Obedience to Allah : Qurban is a form of obedience to Allah ‘s command. By sacrificing, Muslims demonstrate their obedience to and submission to Allah
  1. Increasing Social Dimension: Qurban also has an important social dimension. Through qurban, Muslims are taught to care for others, especially those in need. The sacrificial animals are distributed to the poor and needy, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity in society. 
  1. Remembering the Sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him): Qurban also reminds Muslims of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, who was willing to qurban his son Ismail at Allah ‘s command. This qurban symbolizes loyalty, faith, and high obedience to Allah
  1. Promoting Social Justice and Equality: The practice of qurban also has economic benefits. By giving a portion of their wealth as qurban, Muslims learn not to be too attached to worldly possessions. This helps maintain economic balance in society. 

Scholars’ Fatwas on Going into Debt for Qurban: 

Given the great reward and virtues, the act of qurban is intended for those who are capable of doing it; one form of capability is being able to pay in cash. However, many Muslims desire to qurban but resort to borrowing in order to perform the act. Thus, scholars’ fatwas on this issue are as follows: 

Ibn Baz: According to Sheikh Ibn Baz, a Muslim is allowed to go into debt in order to slaughter a qurban if he has the ability to repay the debt. This means that if someone believes they can pay off their debt in the future, then they are allowed to borrow for the purpose of qurban. He stated this in his collection of fatwas: “It is permissible for a Muslim to go into debt in order to slaughter a qurban if he has the ability to repay the debt.” [Majmu’ Fatawa Ibn Baz (18/38)] 

Ibn Uthaymeen: Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih al-Uthaymeen has a slightly different view. According to him, if someone has debt, it is better for him to prioritize paying off his debt rather than sacrificing. This means that if someone has outstanding debt, it is better for him to pay off his debt first before deciding to quit. However, Sheikh Uthaymeen also emphasizes that if someone does not have money at the time of qurban but has income and believes he can pay off his debt, then he may borrow for the purpose of qurban. He said, “If someone has debt, it is more appropriate for him to prioritize paying off his debt rather than sacrificing.” [Sharhul Mumti’ (7/423)] 

Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan: Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan al-Fawzan believes that going into debt for the purpose of qurban is permissible for those who have a strong presumption of being able to pay off the debt. This is because they are considered capable even though, at the time of qurban, they do not have money or wealth. 

Darul Ifta’ Egypt: Darul Ifta’ Egypt itself issued a fatwa stating that qurban is a highly recommended Sunnah, so it is not necessary for someone to go into debt for qurban. However, Darul Ifta’s Egypt allows someone to go into debt for qurban if he believes he can pay it off and prohibits it if he knows he will not be able to pay it off. 

From the views of the scholars above, it can be concluded that the ruling on going into debt for qurban depends on one’s ability to repay the debt. If someone believes they can repay their debt, then they are allowed to go into debt for the purpose of qurban. However, if someone has outstanding debt or is unsure of being able to repay it, then it is better for him to pay off his debt first or not to go into debt at all. 

Infographic – Qurvab : Proofs

Qurban is a very noble act of worship, and no scholar prohibits going into debt to perform it. However, it should be remembered that every individual has different financial conditions. Therefore, it is advisable for each individual to make decisions based on their personal financial situation and always strive not to burden themselves with debt. 


حكم الاستدانة لأجل شراء الأضحية – الشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان. (n.d.). Retrieved May 2, 2024, from 

ID, A. (n.d.). Hukum Berkurban dengan Uang Pinjaman (Hutang). Atsar ID: Arsip Fawaid Salafy. Retrieved May 2, 2024, from 

دار الافتاء المصرية. (2021, August 17). حكم الاقتراض للأضحية [Review of حكم الاقتراض للأضحية].

Surat Al-Hajj Ayat 37. (n.d.). Tafsir al-Quran Online. Retrieved May 2, 2024, from 

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